Ioannis V: Yes, we can achieve our dreams

Day 572, 16:22 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

Jun 14 Day 572 of the New World

Ioannis V is the only candidate so far from the EEK (Ethniko Enotiko Kinima) and the very first one to answer our little questionaire few hours before the party president elections. He was sitting in his green leather chair with the carved wooden arms, drinking his ice-tea and a few latin books on his desk. We didnt even have the chance of asking him anything when he sai😛
Ioannis V: First of all, I would like to thank you for this interview. I believe that e-media have to be politically active, promoting public discussion.
eWorld Citizen: Thank you for squizing us in your tight program sir. We know your time is limited, so I am starting right away with my questions:

1. Are you married? If yes, any children? (not relative, just to break the ice)
Ha, this is an interesting question; So, in my real life, I am not married, but my strongest affair is the one with my studies.

2. What motivated you to participate in the elections?
It is high time for national unity, this is my only motivation. We are facing a crucial point of our present and it is now that some significant pages in our eHistory are being written.

3. What is your agenda for your party in case you get elected?
Just by my official election as EEK president, a new form of eGreek citizen’s representation will be formed. There is a project already running for the nomination of a Secretary General in each Hellenic region. More details will be exposed to public discussion as a complete suggestion, and this is just a matter of time.

4. What is your plans for the new regions eGreece has managed to free?
As I have already mentioned, there will be a new form of representation, and I hope that we may have a more exclusive discussion on its results. All these decisions are being discussed and taken with and by an extended board included the elected from eGreek people ministers and congressmen.

5. What is your plan for attracting new players in the game and support eGreece?
This is a high responsibility for each and everyone. Talking about my actions, as it is widely known, there is a significant number of eGreeks who was invited to join the game and I am absolutely delighted by its response. Of course there are many ways to achieve this aim.

6. What is your worst fear for your party?
The worst fear of every party president is a successful takeover attempt. But as for Ethniko Enotiko Kinima, there is a powerful and active base, which ensures the party’s inner political stability, as a matter of institutions, in the name of Hellenic unity.

7. What is your worst nightmare for eGreece?
Talking about the future of eGreece, I have to say that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. All united, yes, we can achieve our dreams.

For our readers that are seeking for even more information, you may also read Ioannis V official statement (in Greek):