Introduction and a view over politics

Day 2,387, 13:53 Published in Cuba Greece by corleonis

Hello my fellow citizens. First of, its me Mario!!! Im a rl greek and came from e-greece. The first thing that i heard as a citizen of cuba from almost everyone, was that not only me, but everyone in our party were greek ptoers(at that time we had only 5 people and the 1st party had 25-30). Our party at first, had 5 people. We were the only greeks in cuba. In the next 1-2 days, 5 more joined our party. none of them was greek. We are a party that has and of course accepts every nationality. And as far as it goes for my motives i wiil tell you the one and only truth. There are 2 reasons why i came to cuba. 1)to have fun and 2)to leave behind me the political fights and all the stupidity that comes with it. Thats the reason that i came here, and since i am here i will work to create a strong country.

Of course our work is difficult. Since the beginning we had obstacles. There was a meeting so that we could overcome all difficulties.

If you read the conversation you will understand that there are some major problems in our community, that we must solve them fast so that our country becomes a real country and do not have any problems later. We must prevent any political war between us. First, there is the matter of language. Although in rl Cuba they speak spanish, this is a game. And Cuba is not a country that was in the game until recently. A lot of people, with different nationalities came here and they are now citizens of Cuba. And of course they do not speak spanish. The majority of the congress does not speak spanish. So the three parties, Cuban Social Party, Partido de la Liberacion and Partido De Cuba proposed the use of two languages: spanish and english. Partido del Pueblo Cubano, rejected that. Lets be clear. RL cubans its a little hard to be on game(believe me they have better things to do). And of course none of them lives in rl cuba. And being chilean, bolivian or just talk spanish does not make you a rl cuban.

The second thing, are the ministries. As you probably know(because the so called cubans don't) a ministry has 1 minister, 1 v.minister and some members. The three parties asked for equal represantation in the ministries and people with knowledge be in charge(ok. other may have some knowledge, but you like it or not some are better). That was not accepted because have much less people than the ppc,a fact that does not make us equals. But you forget something. Υοu have not said that to just three parties, but to the majority of the congress.

The most dissapointing thing, was not that the parties did not come to an agreement. The most dissapointing thing was that the Party president of ppc, a CP candidate for Cuba, not only sees everyone else as inferior but he also does not have a program. Almost 1 day before the presidential elections he still does not has a program about Cuba. He has yet to announce what he will do as CP.

I will say it loud a clear. Whatever the result, we will support every cp that will be elected. We will not allow Cuba fall into political war. We,Greeks had it, lived it, we do not want and we will not allow it to happen again.....

ps. As an apology for my long article here is a greek beauty

....and another one