Interview with the Belgium President Thanatos the Magnificent

Day 2,409, 14:32 Published in Ireland Bosnia and Herzegovina by Mr. Bop

Sorry for the wait for this interview I just finished all my exams and needed a few days to chill etc 😛

Today my interview is with Belgium President Thanatos the Magnificent!!

1.Why did you run for president?
Reply:First, I want to thank you chose me to do the interview. Why did I rund for the president? I want help eBelgium and bulid strong friendships with all our neighbors and with other small countries like us who are proSirius or Aurora. Not only that, I want to make great communications between the government and the people in eBelgium. For now we’re doing great. Also we want change our military things in the country and have only one state MU. And a lot other things where we can improve our country

2.What would you have done, if one of your competitors had won?
Reply:If my competitors had won, continued to assist him further in my field where I have experience, thats defence.

3.Who would you say was the most influential person for you, during your presidency?
Reply:I really can’t say no to one person individually. I really could make a list of several people. 🙂

4.Do you believe that you were the best president for your time, and why?

Reply:Everyone says to itself that I was the best president, but maybe I can’t say that for myself. Why? Because I always think I can do best for my people and maybe something I skip a part that I didn’t even know. But I'm trying to correct it in another way that I can. I don’t know why, but I always repeat one known to all, we are all people of flesh and blood and we all make mistakes, to err is human. (last can be to make mistake is human.)

5.What were your priorities, as president?
Reply:My priorities I wrote it in the first answer. If I need repeat it, I’ll do it. 😉

6.What was your relationship like with Ireland while your where president?
Reply:If you ask me while I was CP of eBelgium, my relationship with Ireland really was good. There are my old friends by arms and by soul. Always I’ll be remembered conversations, experiences, entertainment and so on with all former friends in Ireland and the current.

7.What do you think the future holds for Ireland and Belgium ?
Small countries such as Belgium and Ireland can hold communion in every sense of the word. Communion with all the small countries of a similar alliance, and with stronger allies too.

8.Do you think Ireland is going in the right direction?
Reply: think that Ireland goes in the right direction. Why ? I've been to Ireland and took part in the Irish community, I don’t see anywhere that has some sort of obstacle where Ireland couldn’t flourish as it progresses so far. I know you can always be better, not only in Ireland but also in Belgium and in the any country like us.

Once again I want to thank you for inviting me to do an interview. Ireland has own advantages, I hope you’ll use them. We've all seen the war between Ireland and Slovenia, I think I still don’t have a lot to talk about that 🙂

Hereby I want to greet all of my old comrades and friends in Ireland.

Thanatos the Magnificent,
CP of eBelgium