In the end, justice is served. Ohio, I promise to serve you well!

Day 373, 07:53 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

The admins have finally spoken and corrected the bug which gave GoBucks the Congressional seat. I had more xp at the end of election day which should have but me over the top.

I'd like to apologize to all those who thought I went over the top in my fight to ensure justice prevailed. In a real life election, one would never accept a glitch giving someone who did not win the election the seat. This is not diebolt where votes can be changed at the will of those who are in power. ERepublik is supposed to be a game which simulates democracy. I wanted to make sure that democracy prevailed.

There were many charges put against me in Panther's article. Most of which were taken out of context. The multi mentioned in there that asked for my vote for 2 gold was none other than "Cooldudedan" who was one of GoBucks supporters. He tried to trick me into giving him 2 gold and had no intention on voting for me. While I know now this multi had nothing to do with GoBucks, that situation should not have been taken out of context. GoBucks ran a good campaign, that was clean. He should not be blamed for the actions of his supporters and I'm truly sorry that my quest for justice lead me to that false conclusion. I'd also like to apologize to the USWP leadership. They had no control over GoBucks' supporters and should not be blamed.

In the end, I've always been strong about my feelings of honor and electoral fairness. As a political science major and a citizen of Ohio in the real world, I've seen too much funny business when it comes to elections. My absentee vote as a citizen of Cuyahoga county was lost in recent years. I am not one to stand for electoral injustice. That's why I spoke so loudly. If any of you have a problem with that, alright. But justice is an important pillar of democracy.

As Congresswoman of Ohio, I've promised to be the voice of the people. In Congress, I want to do many things. My first act is to push for a bill to stop moving on election day. Congressional elections should be a reflection of a region not as many people a candidate can get to move there on election day. My second act is to try to get it so smaller parties can run candidates in elections. I've spoken on this in the past in an article of mine which reached the front page. As a member of the Federalist Party, I had to run under the UCP ticket in order to get on the ballot. I'd like to thank Justin for the opportunity to run under the UCP banner. It is not fair that smaller parties cannot run candidates. They cannot grow without representation in Congress.

In my campaign I've promised to fight hard for new citizens. As Congresswoman, I promise to help all new citizens. During my campaign I've been actively pming new citizens to help them out in their endeavors. My inbox is an open book. If you need help, feel free to pm me.

I plan to attend to economic university run by Congress to make sure your best interest are served. I'm going to try to make export licenses easier for companies to obtained. An open market is truly a route of economic growth. But above all, I will try my best to keep the eUS out of foreign entanglements which are not needed. There is no use sending our soldiers oversea just to lose wellness when there is nothing good to obtain.

I'm honored to be your Congresswoman in Ohio and by my honor, I promise to serve you will diligence and justice.

In liberty, equality, and fraternity,