In Re: to Kazeal

Day 1,050, 20:57 Published in USA USA by Dio Soryu

The internet is a place of infirm distinctions. One might question the reality or truthfulness of virtually any portion of it, especially those relating to people and any evidence can be immediately countered as false or forgery.

It is a little known fact that the most frequently occurring example of this is the question of Claire Littleton's penis. Now, Claire Littleton is a friend of mine, but it has occurred to me as well. After all, she has previously denied my sexual advances; is it not entirely logical that she is, in fact, with penis?

But, while this satisfies my need to feel valid as a male, it bring up one of the most ancient and basic questions of philosophy. Is reality defined in terms of a concrete world, in which things can be said to exist and give rise to our mental constructs, or is it that reality is constructed by our perceptions of it? This, of course, comes off as absurd to most people and, indeed, is not in most cases worth much deliberation. After all, a table is a table if it exists independently of my conception of it does not change it's function or my relationship to it.

But this utilitarian approach quickly breaks down on the internet. Claire's penis and it's existence is, by the same utilitarian approach, defined in whatever terms I prefer. Let me expand this a bit further, any person's relationship to Claire, so long as it is defined by the existence of her penis, must be defined based upon the person's perception first and foremost. Her avie doesn't make her female, nor does a voice nor does a video, these could all be devices by which we are being fooled. The only way in which she can be defined, short of hunting her down and finding her used tampons/kleenex (I've considered this), is by our perceptions.

The most objective thing that can be said is that Claire is neither male nor female and her penis exists in the same place of reality Schrödinger's cat does before we open the box and observe it.

In the end, we do not know and cannot ever know to any degree of certainty. Those who claim knowledge often are touting their own baises as defining reality and, in a way, they are right; but no more right than others are in claiming the opposite.

I believe the only prudent solution is to choose neither to believe nor disbelieve, but take Claire at her word until we have reason to believe otherwise or until it is hilarious to state otherwise.

"I'll bet you 10 USD you can't make an article on Claire's penis come off as an intellectual diatribe"

-From Kazeal 2010-10-05 01:03:05