Illinois Congressional Platform: Aren Perry

Day 484, 15:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Well ladies and Gentleman it’s that wonderful time again! So far I have faithfully and actively served you as your congressman in Illinois, trying to better our e-nation. I am running with the support of both the AAP and the USWP parties. I am hoping to do it again with your support for what will be my third consecutive term in congress!

I have driven through proposals that use our money well and wisely, trying to find an agreement that can be agreed to across party lines. Organized discussion helps us to stay on topic and not waste our time on debates over, and over, and over again.

Together as a congress, we set up both a quorum system and a better voting process to afford us more efficient ways of getting things done. We’re working to make our system more effective so that we can help make things less of a headache and so we can get-things-done.

Here are some of the things I have been key in getting done.

Public Information Act

Though not passed, it is getting good support from both sides of the congressional seating areas. The basic idea is that for congress and the general US public there would be a Google doc made by the Speaker of the House and filled out by the President or a member of his cabinet as to who has control over government organizations, what they are and what they are doing, and where the money we donate to Fort Knox ends up going towards in specific dollar amounts along with what they are used for. This will help us all, congress and the public, to figure out where our money is going. In short, I am calling for a budget after the fact of where money is going.

Again, this idea has support from both sides of the US congress.


I was the first congressman to get the ball started rolling on the PANEC Tax proposals. We had debated the taxes forever, and we had come to a generally agreed to consensus on PANEC Taxes as they stood, so to start things up I took the first initiative to get out of circles of debating and propose the tax.

From the way the voting stood within all of them, it is easy to see that this was indeed a comfortable compromise for the entirety of congress-as comfortable as it could be.

Without these taxes, which were lowered from the Emergency Tax Plan, but higher than the taxes from the previous flat tax system, we would never have been able to support the Mexican War. This, though it was a loss in the end, would have gone much terribly more wrong without the funds that barely were provided through this tax system. It wasn’t a matter of money why we lost-it was a matter of tactics. Only with the extra revenue from PANEC were we able to even attempt this war.

Weapon Companies

Together with Equality, he and I brought up the specific proposals for the Q1 and Q4 weapons companies that will provide weapons for our military at cheaper rates by cutting out the cost of buying variable priced weapons on the open market from usually foreign nations. These companies are just starting and I hope for big things out of them-we are the only big top 5 nation that did not have such programs already in existence.

These companies will help us use your tax dollars at maximum efficiency, not wasting the precious money of our citizens on overpriced goods.

Also, a proposal for iron companies to keep ourselves from getting spiked through high iron prices that caused gun prices to double in the open market during the Mexican war. However, a compromise is currently being debated in which government contracts will be bid on, thus not neglecting the private sector of American businesses but ensuring better more standard prices for iron for our weapon companies. Though it is not my original idea, I wholeheartedly support this. It is, again, an across the party dividing line agreement that both sides can agree with.

What I hope to do next month

We took a month hiatus from tax proposals to see how PANEC will do, and after that month is over I hope to raise import taxes on grain and perhaps on other markets (tickets perhaps) as well. Again, this is something that both liberals and conservatives can agree with this so that we can protect our market from being dumped on by foreign companies.

I also proposed this month, in advance of next month’s debates, a more orderly discussion of taxes taking on one area at a time, import, income, and VAT in that order which has also received support across the conservative/liberal divide.

See my previous article on my take on the Mexican War. I believe that it showed we have a weakness in the weapons and (obviously) iron area. The right amount of war is very beneficial for us, we just had too much of it down South of the Border for us to properly handle. We learned very important lessons from the war, however.

Still, the war distracted us from domestic issues and pursuit of those issues is something that needs to be developed more again. In particular, though congress has no direct control over it, a weaker dollar will provide for us better exporting opportunities which with our size nation is a very, very important part of our economy.

By exporting we are effectively bringing in foreign gold into our nation, and in return strengthening our dollar-the funny thing is to do this causing some inflation is helpful. Since the economy tends to balance itself out and we can use that by creating a gap between its natural position and an inflated position making better exporting opportunities.

On a personal note

With the removal of a way to mass mail people, contacting you individually has come to take a lot of time. My lack of direct pm is not because I have been inactive or that I do not care about your opinions but due to an extra challenge added to this. Many of you pm’ed me earlier on in the month, which made me quite happy, though the opinions coming in have been less and less as the term has moved on. Please keep up the correspondence!

If you are from my state, please fill out this poll to help me understand how you feel about what I have done and what you would like to see.

Voting Recor😛

My Erep Activity

Along with congress, let me tell you what else I have been up to on here.

I am the new head of the committee for infrastructure. I believe I will enjoy this new post as a congressman very much so (and is one more reason for you to vote for me, since if I don't get in they will have to find a new head of the committee! 😛)

A new responsibility of my own is Head of Recruitment for the AAP. I have been enjoying this job though it is a very, big, tough, responsibility. I love the AAP and have been happy to let others know about how great a party it is. Another new duty I have happily taken on is the new mentor program as the role of a mentor. It's been fun helping out new people which is something I do anyways 🙂.

Further, I am the ambassador to Turkey in my second term, a very interesting nation that I enjoy talking to its people and their friendly nature despite our nations having different agendas that clash at many points.

I am as I have been for three terms, a member of SADD (Statistical Analysis Development Department). SADD has been somewhat inactive, but I am still currently a part of SADD though next presidential term I am stepping down.

In Conclusion

As you can see I am an active player that is fervently trying through many ways to help our nation through congress, Statistics, as an ambassador, and through my political party as well. I have made sure that your voice is heard. From my last poll of our state, the obvious and very strong feeling that came through was that more war was wanted. Also, people did not seem to mind the taxes that were being debated though the responses were more varied on this issue.

Illinois, once again I wish to represent you strongly within congress as an active part of our congress, making your votes count for more by using the voice you give me to speak loudly for the US people for clarity within the government, spending money effectively, and making our country stronger.

Aren Perry,
SADD member
AAP Head of Recruitment
Ambassador to Turkey
Infrastructure Committee Chair
New Player Mentor