I've been thinking + mission + avatars

Day 2,523, 11:53 Published in Peru Serbia by Doktor Mracni
Odio estas misiones idiotas! x2

Lately, I was thinking about men-women relationships. Thing that triggered it was a conversation I overheard in bus. Two older men were talking about boys today and where’s that gentleman behavior disappeared. That got me thinking: what’s with the youth today?
Guys are used to be more careful and full of respect for the other gender then now. You step up, introduce yourself and ask a lady for a walk, drink or just small talk. Now it’s very different. First a guy has to think for a lie, small enough to be believable and big enough to get the girl interested in him. Then, he must introduce his friends with that lie, so they can confirm his story when is needed. After that, he must live that lie, while he’s with that girl. Anyway, he’s going to be with her until he’s bored and then he’ll walk away. Awfully lot a work for a couple of days or even just one night with some random girl. Now, there’s no guy who will write a letter or a song, or just find some extraordinary way to make this girl he likes feel special, you know? It’s all about hit and run. And if it’s something longer than that, it’s probably going to be same every day. Routine.
I’m not that guy. I’m the guy who will jump in neighboring garden to cut roses needed to make bed out of their petals for a girl, even though there’s German Doberman chewing the last bone of something that was pretty much alive 2 minutes ago. And I’m pretty much proud to be that kind of guy. That’s embarrassing for most of the guys now, it’s shameful if you fall in love. Then, you are sissy, a girlish and everything that’s opposite of being a true MAN!
And the reason why guys aren’t doing that kind of romantic things is that they don’t have anyone to do it for! Girls are not the same as before. They don’t need a gentleman. When a girl sees a group of guys, she will instantly go for the most handsome one. And if it turns out that he’s an asshole, never mind – he’s hot! Yes, they don’t need somebody to treat them as ladies. It’s about looking good in social life, among friends, coworkers and relatives, especially when it comes to night life. Even here, in eRepublik, many girls I’ve met are like that. It’s about quantity not quality. Rather have 10 average jerks than 1 that is valuable. Women have become MEN! It’s funny how modern society works, no matter what kind of moron you are, everything is fine as long as you look good. There’s no need to sweep her of her feet, she will probably get bored in the meantime.

No español esta vez, perdoname por favor. Voy a escribir el proximo articulo en español, se lo prometo! *.*

*.* Avatares nuevos *.*

- Yo no hago copias de avatares ya existentes. Eso no es correcto y no es apropiado.
- Yo no hago avatares espectaculares porque no estoy tan experimentado con PS, pero siempre voy a hacer mi mejor esfuerzo.
- Si usted quiere que yo haga un avatar para usted, por favor, dame instrucciones claras y si tienes alguna imagen que desea en avatar, damelo.
- Le enviare ejemplo, y hacer algunas correcciones si son necesarias, pero si usted insiste en demasiados, no voy a perder mi tiempo con usted.

Sinceramente suyo,
The God of Llama *.*