I'm running for CP. Of course I'm serious, how dare you!?!?

Day 974, 16:03 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

So I decided to run for CP under the banner of the Party I PTO'ed. After taking control I renamed it "Team Friendship" because irony suits my purposes.

I have no intention of winning.

I have no delusions about the number of votes I'll get.

I have nothing personal against the other people running. If you're reading this and actually don't know who to vote for you should vote for Jacobi. He's clearly the best choice.

I'm writing this article 2 weeks early because everyone else is and I want to be involved with the debates that will inevitably happen so I'm getting my name out there.

I'll post my cabinet and my platform at a later time.

If the 4 people that read this article (based on the number of votes of my past articles) have any questions or comments please feel free to post them or PM me and I will answer them in my next article as seems to be standard operating procedure these days,

Oh right one last thing to get votes... HOT CHICKS IN BIKINIS! WOOOOO!