I am going on a language exam

Day 1,998, 13:41 Published in Hungary Hungary by kopariadam

because my mom told me to. I don't feel a need for it, but fine.

He give me some money to pay the check at the post office, and then i had to brong a paper to some university place, I don't know it's name bit it is not important. Anyway, I had to glue the smaller part of the check at the paper, wich was pretty complicated since I had only a liqud glue, that flowed everywhere exept where it shouldn't.

Also I have chosen the C1 level, because I am the eternal ruler of the universe, so this musn't be that hard, also one of my group mates has also done it with a pretty ok result (80%+ on all chategory). Also I don't want to waste more than one time with this paper making. Seriously, I can hear the cring of the canadian forests' because of the exam system. It's all about papers.

And since i am so awesome, I choose to write this wolce article in english, with a hopefully good grammar, therefore pissing off half of my readers.

Anyway, since you are probably older than me with about 5-10 years, you might have some experience about all this shit, so I gratefully accept any useful advise for the exam, since I don't want to fail. It was 25 f*cking thousan forint for god's sake!