How to (cze) rise an empire.

Day 2,450, 01:33 Published in Czech Republic Argentina by Ema Malikova
Tákže, občani...
v tomto baječném eventu se naučíme jak nahodit E-Cze znovu na koleje ktere vedou do stanice "Empire".
Tim pádem já jako laik, bych mohla říci: "Pokud tento event každý občan E-Cze splní, převalcujem polsko a bude z nás Říše(Empire)"

Mohlo by nás to posounout někam jinam ale název i Event je pouze tématicky.

Všichni víme že takovéhle eventy jen plní Platonovy kapsy, ale pozor! Změna! Podle nejnovějších informací (spiš drbů) v poslední misi získate 50 Goldů. Takže by se nám (spíš vám. Mě rozhodně ne! Protože se k té misi ani nedostanu.) utracené goldíky mohli vrátit zpět do kapes.

Co to znamená pro nás, kteří se moc daleko v eventu nedostanou?
Posledi týden byl ceklem dost klidny co se týče Rezistancí (nemluvím o E-cze ale obecně). Mužeme tedy očekávat vysoký nárust RW a tim pádem FF medaile na našich hrudích.

Work for Your Country

Mission 1
Description: Wars are a costly business, so your country needs a strong economy to support its armies. Work for your country!

Conditions: Get the reward for completing the Daily Tasks.
Rewards: Energy Bar 2×

Mission 2
Description: Work two more days for your country, or defeat 100 enemies of your nation.

Conditions: Complete Daily Tasks for 2 days OR Defeat 100 enemies in one day.
Rewards: Energy Bar 5×

Mission 3
Description: Are your companies producing anything? Get five employees to work once, one employee to work five times, or anything in between to finish this mission.

Conditions: Assign 5 employees in the production process ..(!! špatný vtip !!)
Rewards: 200 czk

Mission 4
Description: You're well ahead on the path to being a good worker for your country. Keep working in those companies and you will make your country an Empire in no time!

Conditions: Recover 6000 Energy in 1 day You can also use Energy Bars. Fight in 3 different campaigns.
Rewards: q2 house and 60 strength.

Fight for Your Country

Mission 1

Description: Rule number one of the military is "listen to your orders". All the other rules are not even worth knowing, unless you are ordered to know them.

Conditions: Complete Daily Order.
Rewards: Energy Bar 2×

Mission 2
Description: Your country and its allies have interests to protect all across the world. Do your part in 5 different campaigns.

Conditions: Fight in 5 different campaigns and defeat 25 enemies in each.
Rewards: 20 str

Mission 3
Description: Your country and its allies have interests to protect all across the world. Do your part in 5 different Resistance Wars

Conditions: Fight in 5 different resistance wars and defeat 25 enemies in each.
Rewards: 40 strength

Mission 4
Description: No empire rose to power without great patriots willing to fight for it. Prove your are a true patriot.

Conditions: Earn a True Patriot medal OR deal 100 million damage for your citizenship country.
Rewards: 10× energy bars and 5× rockets

Train for Your Country

Mission 1
Description: You once saved the Training Instructor from Alex Kesler, so the least she can do is help with your training.

Conditions: Increase your Strength with 10 points.
Rewards: Energy Bar 1×

Mission 2
Description: You also saved the Training Instructor from Katherine Kesler, so you certainly deserve some more assistance with your training.

Conditions: Increase your strength with 90 points
Rewards: 50% damage booster for 8 hours

Mission 3

Description: Much training with no combat experience does no good. Load your weapons and go out on the battlefield.

Conditions: Defeat 50 enemies every day for 3 days OR Defeat 300 enemies.
Rewards: 50% damage booster for 8 hours (i hope)

Mission 4

Description: A true soldier fights for his country from dawn 'till dusk. The Training Instructor has confidence that you can do it as well.

Conditions: Defeat 400 enemies in 1 day.
Rewards: Rocket 5×

Campaign of the day

Description: So far, you have learned to obey your orders and fight from dawn 'till dusk. Now it's time to use both lessons and fight where your President needs you to.

Conditions: Defeat 1000 enemies in the Campaign of the dDay of your citizenship country.
Rewards: 90 str

National Hero

Description: Winning a Battle Hero for your country is about helping your country, making your comrades proud, and rising as a hero of your nation.

Conditions: Get a Battle Hero medal while fighting for your country
Rewards: 50 gold and q3 house.


A za dokončení samozdřejmě medajle
(Apart from other prizes, Citizens can earn 2 Decorations:
- “Empire Builder” Decoration for completing the “Campaign of the Day” mission
- “Hero for an Empire” Decoration for completing the “National Hero” mission)

Ps: kdo si chce tématicky zpříjemnit den, může kouknout na film Empire od Andyho Warhola:
!! Použíte ctrl + c. Přimi odkaz Erep zkracuje a skončíte jen na youtubu !!

Source: Swooshy