Housing and industry

Day 3,352, 13:43 Published in Uruguay USA by Fraghead.2

Hello Uruguay,
I am really happy to see your import tax dropped to 3% (i remember when that thing was alot higher.) I have been messaging a couple of people that work for me with regard to housing. I plan to start putting q1 and q2 houses on your market as soon as i can make them. I also want to apologize. The wage i have on your job market is NOT meant to quash everyone else you have in your country. I am currently in 8 job markets across the globe so i have to keep a wage competitive to all of them. Erepublik does not allow me to set a wage per country so that's to your benefit. I plan to start putting q1 and q2 houses on your market ( higher on request but they get expensive ) I am staying out of your tank and food market as i do not want to disrupt the local economy. My goal is to provide stuff at a reasonable price that will help your government coffers as well as equip you guys with all the stuff you see everyone else has. I do have a message to your government though. Consider dropping the import tax to 1% the pricing i put in your market i compensate for your tax as to maintain some profitability. I sell in 10 markets worldwide and anyone that has an import tax higher than 5% i have to be selective about posting. I am proud to say your country was the second place i placed a holding company in. You guys have been great and i want to try to give back where i can product wise to your market. If you are worried about the tax loss it should balance out in the work tax for people working for me. I figured it was about time i wrote an article in your great country. I apologize in advance for not translating it into spanish but i wanted my words to be as clear as possible. I am looking forward to the feedback.