Hello Chile!

Day 2,229, 07:16 Published in Chile Cyprus by Ivan je Car 2

Hello to all Chilean people,Croatians and others in this article i'm gonna talk about my trip to eChile! 🙂

On day 2,227, rl Christmas day 25.12. i have a notification where was writen that my applycation for Chile citizenship has been accepted and it was the best Christmas gift in erepublik 🙂


In this article i wanna intruduce my self to Chilean people! I'm rl Croatian and coming from MU named Vatreni Gušteri,in previous article you can see that i wanted to quit game becuose of some probles and other thing but nevermind about that now i'm here and i hope i will stay long enough to meet you all great people and fighters even my stay in this game is not for sure.

I wana say thanks to Kadercito and Franco Falcon S who accepted my cs applycation 🙂

We all know that Croatia and Chile are great friend in this game and we all help to each other and that began when Croatia was fighting against Slovenia and delete them even it didn't last long.[http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/croatia-33-vs-slovenia-0-2351732/1/20 o7]

So i was thinking becuose i had lot's of damage and chocolate bars in my storage i need to help some of our allies and that was Chile and after i like it i apply for citizenship 🙂

This is some of my damage made in last 4 days for Chile 🙂

I started with 11 milion vs Indonesia(4.battle),in battle where Chile won 91:8 🙂

and 9.battle in same campaign

Now vs New Zeland in Auckland! 🙂 (4:84 won by Chile)

[Finnaly bh] 3.luck 😃

vs Peru in in Low Andes(won by Chile 83:5)

vs Australia in Tasmania(won by Chile again 85:3)

-cant find any SS 😒

Some more pictures 🙂

I already met some nice people here and i think it's gonna be fine here i pozivam i ostale Hrvate da dođu u Čile ako vec mijenju cs 🙂

Chile and Crotia



And sorry to all becuose i dont know spanish 😒

the words i know and there meaning on spanish are: armas,guerra,gracias 😃