haz de necaz

Day 277, 07:44 Published in Romania Romania by M4RG3L4TU

Cash balance: 0.00 August 22, 2008 09:54 AM


I have joined a couple of days ago and I have noticed that my balance is 0. i have already 2 days of work and my balance is still 0. My wellness is going down and i dont have money to buy food. My hubby told me that i should have some starting money and food into my inventory. Any idea what's going on?

thanks in advance,

hmm nasol, poate s-o fi angajat omu ca si voluntar si nu stie 🙂

Robert Loggia

Concord, USA

Posts: 16
Invite problem August 21, 2008 17:33 PM

I'm trying to send a person an invite, but it's telling me that I have to fill out all five fields after I try submitting. Is there a way to get around this so that I can only send one invite?


Dublin, Ireland

Posts: 5
Re: Invite problem August 21, 2008 17:42 PM

i will ivite if u want

hahaha...ce saritor e irlandezu, ai vazut...ptr ce is pretenii...ca sa te **** 😁


Berlin, Sweden

Posts: 8
Job resignation?! August 20, 2008 06:11 AM


I'm new to eRepublik and so I searched for a Job.
I got some Job proposals and everytime I accept an offer and work for the company I get immediately a Alert with 'Job resignation'. I accepted 2 job proposals until now...

Why is this?
Is it a bug? Or are my skills too low for the company, so that it fired me automatically?

If it is a normal behavior, what can I do, that I'm not get fired everytime?


i have lost my 3rd job now -.-

12 hours ago, I worked succesfully and got no resignation, but some minutes ago, I was on the company page and again I got resignation Sad

asta e cel mai tare bug din joc.

David Avraham Daoud

Jerusalem, Turkey

Posts: 11
Countries August 21, 2008 02:20 AM

Are new countries going to be added in V1? There are obviously more than 44 countries in the world. For instance, has anyone noticed that most, if not all, of Arab countries do not exist in the game? Same with all African countries. A lot of European, Oceanic, South American and Asian countries are missing as well. Anyone have a clue on this one?


Shiraz, Iran

Posts: 50
Re: Countries August 21, 2008 02:31 AM

the residents of these countries must send their request to admin to create their country
and they must be too much otherwise strong countries will conquer that country

asta e tare. Daca unu din Botswana intra in joc si vede ca tara lui nu este, sigur nu o sa-si mai faca cont.

Wellness = 0 August 20, 2008 04:40 AM


I've been away for a bit due to vacation and did not know about the holiday mode. Wellness is down to 0 and it seems like I can't train or do other "fun" stuff here. Is there a way to increase Wellness and get things going again?


Campeche, Mexico

Posts: 90
Re: Wellness = 0 August 20, 2008 04:48 AM

congratulations, you are now dead.

Next time try to buy food

da...dragut...omu il mai si felicita 😁