Government Insider reveals state vaults lies barren!

Day 2,506, 01:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

After posing a direct question to the Country President Kordak a government insider and close confidant to the president Luke Grenier revealed that the state vaults now number below 10000.

According to a personal message we received from him the CP planned the take over of our regions and the locking out of congress to pull off the biggest heist in the history of eIreland.

His backers include Eire Air Oar the government air service that operates airplanes with ancient air oar technology. Unfortunately recent reports indicate that the technology had internal problems such as fat and lazy americans that screamed something about engines or some such mallarkey. It seems it would soon join the hangar of Irish inventions that flopped such as :

1.the complete map of the Union Of Suck That England

"UOSTE" including Ireland , Scotland and a hopeful Northern Ireland

2.and as well the T-Short now available at 100 T Shorts for a dollar from its creator Ina E Coleman who sold all his possessions to manufacture 5 billion T Shorts HIS INVENTION. The fashion however failed to gain traction.
that is outside of his county where it is a hit amongst young scottish men who feel that the kilt is not hip anymore.