Day 2,292, 10:25 Published in Chile Chile by Laura Andreea

Well sometimes is time to say goodbye and begin again, i always followed my dreams, i made all the best for the people around me, i have friends and at same time and enemies, i think this is something normal in life...well being normal or not is not nice when some people atack you for your RL nationality, when they insult you, is not a good sensation, after all is just a game, but some people are taking this so seriuos until that moment when they just forget that are insulting an woman, or they just don't think that those words can hurt very much, so my dear readers, friends and enemies like i said sometimes is time to say goodbye, and now is the moment to say goodbye to eChile, i had good moments at begining here, i made everything for you but this wasn't enough to have the respect that i think i deserve it, no more humiliation, no more insults, i can't support this everyday, i have my own values, my own dreams, my own visions about life, in my opinion all the people are the same, i don't undestand i will not undestand never why in this world is such a lot of hate between people, some people said that is impossible to change this, well is not, to change something you need to change i'm thinking just on 2 things, let the game or try another adventure, who knows i will see, but something is sure many people let this game because of situations like this, when some stupid people think they are kings of this game this will happen anytime, people who will let the game, and guess what will happen? yeah the game will die step by step...Well this is it, maybe there are more things to say but i will keep them just for me, just remeber i gave all the best for this country, i will not wait an eternity for respect...thank you and like i said goodbye!!!