Goodbye Politics...Keeping the Promise...

Day 612, 23:40 Published in USA USA by Ananias

My final day as a Congressman was not the melancholy experience I was concerned that it would be. I spent my day busily reading up on the lates war news in the Media and reviewing the eUS Forums for any last minute opportunities to serve the constituents of Florida. I will miss my final 24 hours in Congress but I like so many others have promises to the eUS to keep...and in all my other failings, I hope that the legacy I leave politics with is that of the integrity of my promises.

And I promised the citizens of the eUS, my constituents in Florida and Oregon, and even my colleagues in congress, that I would be ruthless in my defense of the eUS, maddeningly persistent in my pursuit of eUS victory in eRepublik, and tireless in my support of our citizens. And while we all strive to be uniquely significant, it would be a boldface lie to state that my embrace of the American ideal of self-determination, freedom of choice and individual sacrifice for the benefit of the nation was at all unique.

With very few exceptions, it is a promise that we have all made to each other as a community and nation. It is a promise we make to one another that when the chips are down ideology is cast aside. It is a promise that when the chips are down personal animosity or perceived social injustice is forgotten. It is a promise that when the chips are down, and the eUS is threatened, we respond as a united nation...e pluribus unum...a united team to reject and throw back the threat that encroaches on the one thing that we all have in common, and that we all hold dear...our national identity as citizens of the greatest nation in the New World and, in my opinion, the Real World....the United States of America.

So tonight I leave Congress to support our nation in the effort to repel our invaders with my most important and most powerful weapon against vote...and I leave my nation for the first time in my eRepublik life to do what I can to keep my promise to my taking my most powerful weapon TO the enemy. My vote, and the vote of many other patriots, will demolish the hostile plans of our invaders by striking at the very foundation of their power with more force than any number of Q5 Weapons could ever manage.

And we will prevail, together.

Tomorrow, when it comes time to vote, I ask you to carefully consider whether your vote is required in defense of of America, or whether your vote can be counted upon to be added to ours in striking at the heart of the enemy.

Regardless of your choice, I salute you America...each day, I see more and more vivid illustrations of our commitment to our promise to each other that when the chips are down, though we may not know the final outcome of our efforts, we stand together...united.

Tomorrow, I hope to return to this nation...our nation...and continue to keep my promise to my fellow citizens through my efforts, combined with those of so many other great eUS leaders, in eNOVA for a brighter, stronger future for the United States of America.

My fellow citizens, I salute you for keeping the promise of America and Americans vibrant and alive, together.

Godspeed and all success in our united stand.

Honored to serve the eUS in whatever capacity I can,

Former Congressman
Proud Citizen of the eUnited States of America