From Romania with love

Day 1,148, 13:39 Published in Romania Romania by aniujual

Dear smrtan, in any world populated by people with at least a quarter of a brain, your sore loser article would be considered, in the best case scenario, only a bad joke. Romania's not anymore an ally of Loland and that was your call, so as far as I'm concerned we're free (that's why we're a free country, right ?) to choose whichever side we want in battles that do not involve our allies, aren't we ?
And, since you talk about hypocrisy, why don't you tell us how many times have you fought against Romania and EDEN in the past or you've already lost track of it ? But let's pretend that that was your way of saying "I love you", so now, we've decided to give you lolish people back that love.

Here's a palm full of love, now you can facepalm yourself.