Filipino Request

Day 521, 12:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scipio The Great

~~ This is not an official government release, just me asking for what I think is right 🙂 ~~

Last month a number of high ranking UK politicians made the move to the Philippines in an attempt to build up that country from the poor state it was in after being repeatedly attacked and taken over by foreign nations.

They put in enormous effort into this and considerable personal wealth working closely with Flilippinos in trying to do what is best for them as a whole and to safeguard it against future attacks.

That effort and great work is now under threat. Spanish citizens have flocked to the Philippines to take it over and not only remove what money they have, but also destroy so much that has been done by our fellow British citizens.

I would not normally ask anyone to vote in another country especially as our voter turn out is already very low, take-overs are also common of course and we can't help everyone. But their fall will be so much the greater and the loss so much more accute because of the emmense work that has been put in. I have looked at their media and the Spanish are open in their contempt of not only the British trying to help but also of the local Filippinos.

If you can, move to the Philippines for the weekend to vote for either a PFF or FPM candidate and don't let all that has been done go to waste.

Many thanks,