Eye of the Storm

Day 816, 19:05 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

That's probably what a lot of you are thinking.

In the last few months, Switzerland has become a hotbed of insults, trolling, and sometimes even worse.

Shaolins, Liberals, EDEN and Phoenix... please step back and remember something.

This is a game.

Games are supposed to be fun.

For many of us, the fight has been long and hard. Whether we've been fighting to remove the Shaolin influence from Switzerland, or fight for it, we've both suffered drawbacks.

We've all seen horrible lies and propaganda. From both sides. And for some, the only option is out. It seems like a never-ending marathon, where each steps gets heavier and heavier.

I, Penguin4512, started the Resistance movement not primarily for a movement against the Shaolins. Not for a resistance against Phoenix reporters. And certainly not a resistance to brainwash people.

I'm tired too, Switzerland. I'm tired of the lies and cheap words. But I'm not going to give up on Switzerland. I'm not going to back my bags and leave just because of some mistruths.

They say a smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. Well, the seas of Switzerland of Switzerland have been stormy for a long while, and many sailors have drifted from the shore. Do we really still know what we're fighting for?

I do. I know exactly what I'm fighting for.

The Swiss Resistance is not a fanatical group of terrorists. Unless giving out free food, sending out surveys, and trying to create a guide for newbies is terrorism.

The Swiss Resistance is an organization that wants to breathe life back into Switzerland. For a long time, the fight has seemed hopeless. Even Eleriel and Ilestis, who helped restore Switzerland back from the ashes, have left us.

What does the Swiss Resistance do? We talk about eOlympics, discuss ways to help Switzerland become a thriving community again.

We hand out surveys asking lower levels their position on EDEN and Phoenix. We wait outside on chilly days handing out bread and starting up eKitchens. Recently, we decided to create a non-profit company that would employ the poorer Swiss population for higher pay.

The Swiss Resistance is made up of all types of people.

This forum is for anyone. It is a community. It is a group of people who want to talk about the country without it being muddled up in politics, or trolling, or senseless management.

Perhaps other people did not understand that before, and know you do. Anyone of Switzerland is welcome. We don't care if you're for EDEN or Phoenix, taxes or no taxes, lemurs or penguins. We're here as a place where you can sit back, relax, toast some marshmallows, tell some ghost stories, and have fun.

Saturday, February the 14th is St. Valentine's Day. Do him a favor and don't troll this article. Thank you for reading this.

Now go out there and have some fun.