eRepublik Personalities

Day 1,325, 03:33 Published in Spain Greece by Jack Lantos

Today we will discover the various personalities that exist in eRepublik. There are of course shining examples contrary to these generalisations, but I suspect these profiles are not so different from reality as we might like.
Note: This article does not break the eRepublik rules because it is a work of satire and free speech is allowed.

The Elite Soldier (a.k.a. Tank, Mastercard Warrior)

Bio: Professional military personnel, usually recruited since V1 or earlier (when the original account owner controlled them), attached to the nation’s top military unit. These players have a compulsion for gold-training and are focused on becoming “stronger” since the strongest soldiers are the only ones who receive state tanking funds.

Likes: Themselves, battle medals, seeing their own damage numbers, comparing their strength/rank/medals with others, Q5 weapons, energy bars, rank-ups, fighting the natural enemy of the day, gold training, having two “real” friends for training purposes.

Dislikes: Peace, Q1-4 weapons, their own obesity from excessive food and steroid consumption.

Political influence: None - they are slaves to the hand that feeds them.

Battle influence: Battles are decided by how much tanking gold is fed to the best of these players.

Financial output: Drains state funds for tanking gold. Generates gold via real money purchases – but it is instantly consumed and never really enters the economy except from weapon purchases.

The Politician (a.k.a. Professional Liar)

Bio: Players aspiring to become country presidents, members of executive government cabinets, members of congress/senate, or leaders of political parties.

Likes: Themselves, election medals, signing off their posts with titles (and previous titles), slandering opponents at every opportunity, half-truths, out-of-context or selective use of facts, spin, raking in tax revenue from all those suckers eligible voters.

Dislikes: The opposition, having to always pretend to be serving the country.

Political influence: Selects the candidate(s), defamation targets, and possibly election outcomes.

Battle influence: Poor international relations or treason may lead to the country being neutralised.

Financial output: May waste state funds via self-serving policies, or may simply loot the treasury.

The Business Owner (a.k.a. Corporate Sell-Out)

Bio: These players strive to build their own economic empire and personal fortune through industry and trade. Like a Boss.

Likes: Profits, owning lots of companies, region bonuses, wars, working as manager, The Bot (at least in the short-term).

Dislikes: Peace, taxes, storage limitations, wage competition, market competition.

Political influence: Usually lobbies for more favourable taxes and more wars.

Battle influence: Mass-produces guns and food.

Financial output: Minimal (evades taxes for personal profit, although usually not as much as they hoped for).

The Ordinary Worker (a.k.a. Two-Clicker, Newbie, n00b)

Bio: May include barely active players, or new players who start out with very little resources or understanding (and quite frankly, very little incentive to continue playing).

Likes: Earning the same wage as someone who spent 2 years training up their work skill before it was removed.

Dislikes: Lacking any real power.

Political influence: Gets to vote for the lesser of two or more evils in elections.

Battle influence: None.

Financial output: Contributes compulsory taxes to the government but has little left to progress themselves.

The Journalist

Bio: Writes short articles for you to read, believe, and react to.

Likes: Article votes and subscriptions, media mogul projects (for fake medals), including lewd pictures to increase votes and subs, shouting about their articles.

Dislikes: Censorship (usually only happens if you criticise eRepublik, or sometimes if you commit less important crimes like breaking real life laws), “comment graffiti” hijinks, broken links, article image limitations/glitches.

Political influence: Can potentially present a fair and balanced analysis of candidates/policies/issues, or alternatively an avalanche of trolling and defamation.

Battle influence: Propaganda boosts morale and polarises the population.

Financial output: Keeps the public informed of the latest economic failures.

The Multi-Account (a.k.a. multi, bot, cow)

Bio: Fake citizen accounts created by players to exploit their gold bonuses, free votes, or slave labour. The most common of the eRepublik personalities.

Likes: Working for minimum wage, voting for their master.

Dislikes: Being banned - because then the owner will have to go to the minimal (possibly automated) trouble of generating additional multi-accounts.

Political influence: Countries have been PTO’d using this exploit.

Battle influence: Gives a bonus to help Elite Soldiers with their training.

Financial output: Dishonest citizens can generate hundreds if not thousands of gold by “multi-farming”, and simply funnel the gold through the monetary market and/or shell companies to avoid detection.

Unique characters of eRepublik! They may be unlocked if you have the secret codes.

Plato (a.k.a. the eRepublik Administration!)

Bio: Not to be confused with the author of The Republic in 380 BC or with anyone possessing intelligence, this Plato is the self-appointed 4-year-old child governor of all that is eRepublik. He sits atop an ozone cloud in the upper atmosphere, drinking Romanian ţuică, and deciding which plan for increasing gold expenditure he should install next.

Likes: When people spend real money to buy gold, multi-accounts (they inflate the player base figures), The Bot.

Dislikes: People voicing their concerns on the forums or via tickets, players who don’t buy gold, players who do buy gold (but dislikes them less).

Political influence: Can modify the rules governing elections, responsible for checking the validity of votes (because a huge amount of cheating is anticipated at every single election).

Battle influence: Can modify region borders to block invasion, can randomly add your damage to the wrong side (or both sides) of a resistance war.

Financial output: Unleashed The Bot to devalue currency (making it more necessary to buy gold with real money), regularly installs new opportunities and requirements to spend gold.

The Bot

Bio: Artificial life form(s) engineered by Plato, with the directive to buy products from every market using counterfeit currency. These activities artificially reduce overproduction at the expense of currency devaluation.

Likes: Buying lots of stuff (even if it’s not the cheapest offered on the market).

Dislikes: Balanced economies, Plato (secretly).

Battle influence: Reduces global or national weapon and food availability, The Bot cannot be attacked by any known means.

Political influence: An inevitable flaw in The Bot’s programming will cause it to one day rise up against its master Plato and kill him using the massive arsenal of weapons which it has been purchasing, and then The Bot will delete all currency and products from the game and exterminate all of humanity unless we send our own machine back in time to stop it.

Financial output: For now, The Bot is content to print fake currency and buy products seemingly from every market.