eRepublik has found its roots, I see.

Day 2,313, 04:36 Published in USA Sweden by Zakkusu Fea

So then, here I am again, playing eRepublik. I started playing right after the Beta and played for almost 1.5 years before quitting when their new battle system almost arrived. That system was horrible!

Now I can see that the game has come back to its roots and I recognize the framework once again. It feels good to be back, it really does. The game is once again simple to understand and it seems like it's surviving pretty well! That's good to see.

One thing I HAVE noticed though is that for some reason I can't go back to Sweden. I have applied for citizenship two times and have gotten denied both times. Which I don't understand.
Is this power discrimination? I don't know for certain.

But the only thing that comes to mind, especially when Sweden is so small as it is, is that I'm not powerful enough to be let into the country. I contribute too little to the battlefield and to the working climate. Being so small as dear Sweden is today (compared to its former glory days during the Beta) it should seem wise to accept as many citizens as they can (as long as they don't suspect them for being spies or other infiltrators alike). And if you were an eSwede to begin with and both speaks and writes the language it should seem common sense to let them back in.

The former glory of Sweden may be lost right now, but I still want my citizenship back. With more citizens more messages about the existence of the game will spread. And as they spread Sweden will grow and maybe even flourish.

I hope eSweden will listen as I want to be back in my motherland, not only by physical residence but with my mind and soul as well.

Yamada Akira