ePaganism (new eReligion)

Day 1,112, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Steina

Hi guys!
Have you ever wondered that we sometimes forgot some things of the New World, like... the nature?
I've searched some days on eRepublik wiki and on most newspapers, asked some eCitizens if alread something like an ePaganism, the answer was no, so I decided to create one 🙂
The basic idea can be resumed in 4 words: respect, study, dedication and love. Now let's explain:
Respect- By respecting others eCitizens, admins, you'll be creating a better atmosphere for gaming and surely will be respected by others and easily loved by many.
Study- Search and ask. Do not do something 'cause someone said it is this way, ask why, think a bit and then get more knowledge, better results will be achivied, and this is a main skill if you want to get better on politcs 😉
Dedication- If you have spare time why not play this amazing game? Every second you spend on playing it will be useful to you, do not give up and you'll be a great eCitizen in a near future 😉
Love- "Love is our resistance" as told Matt Bellamy on RL 😃

These are the most important points on the personality of a ePagan

The mains points of his/her beliefs are: The nature rules the New World, the name of the nature of New World is: internet 😃 without it the New World wouldn't even exist.
Below the internet there is some important deities:
Admins: They are the mortals who keep the order on New World, it's up to the ePagan decide to love or to hate them.
High Priests: Every eCitizen who gets the charge to be a High Priest will became a divine form of Goddess.
Goddess:creator of the nature of the New World, nobody knows who she is.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be posting more about the new religion.
enjoy the nature like me:


Blessed be.

PS.: this religion doesn't have nothing from RL Paganism.