eIndonesian-eAmerican Conflict Cancelled Due to Lack of Combatants

Day 1,200, 12:37 Published in USA India by Satya Yuga

After all the excitement and patriotism due to the loss of Hawaii to Indonesia, the battle of California ended with a whimper as opposed to a bang. Rumors have it that combatants from both the eIndonesian and eAmerican armed forces had come down with a new stomach bug called the "green flu". An undisclosed expert in Epidemiology hypothesizes that the flu was passed on from the eIndonesians to CRoy and Emerick during confidential talks that occurred with the eIndonesians at an undisclosed location. Neither CRoy nor Emerick were available for comment, but the sounds of retching and watery bowel movements could be heard coming from the Executive Restrooms at the State Department.

We can't disclose the source of these pictures

The Overall Influence from California

Comparisons of Each of the Battles in Hawaii and California

Fancy Statistical Table and Chart. Quite a difference, don't you think?