Economic Platform - Rolo Tahmasee for CP - September 2010

Day 1,015, 21:05 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee
Economic Platform

2 Words


End of Platform

I made bold statements in my Military Platform about providing weapons for Soldiers, and had anticipated the Question of "How do you intend to pay for this?", but it never came, so I guess you all trust me.

(For purposes of this platform, the term "soldier" being anyone who shows up on IRC ready to fight for eCanada and says "Let me kick some ASS")

To those who are curious I intend to fund these endeavors as follows

As you know Government revenue is collected from taxes. We currently spend the bulk of our tax dollars on the CAF and The MoI or Ministry of Industries. I have a special presentation on my plans for the MoI which I will explain in detail how I intend to operate this ministry going forward, but the for the sake of this conversation I intend to drastically reduce tax payer funding to this program while still maintaining it's function within the eCanadian economy - which is to provide jobs to eCanadians and pump money into the marketplace

Government Tax dollars are currently collected from all citizens when they work each day. Currently some citizens spend their money on weapons and wellness in defense of their country. Some citizens 2 click their way through their eLife and either die with CAD in their pockets or obtain great wealth on the backs of others (IE through a strong economy from WAR while contributing nothing to that WAR themselves)

I intend to cut spending while maintaining the current tax rate. The free weapons and wellness that are distributed to our soldiers will be the equivalent of a "Tax Rebate" - Those who fight and those who don't fight, will be economic equals at then end of their work day, but those who invest their time in the defense or eCanada have the added benefit of being provided the means to do so,

These "Free" Weapons will be bought strictly from the eCanadian marketplace during IRC supply, which will help to spur the economy. The current role of the MoI is to get money in to the economy and that money will still be going into the economy, just in the form of weapons and wellness purchases and the MoI will still be putting money into the economy through traditional means, just in a new form

The constant burning through of eCanadian Weapons and eCanadian Wellness based food will drive both jobs and economic activity in those sectors. Warfare will benefit the housing and constructions market as seen in Addy Lawrence's article here

Oh yes, and Closed Economy. We will, through my MoI plan and WAR based economy, attempt to have as much Gold coming into eCanada while limiting the amount that goes out. That being said, if prices become stupidly expensive and I sense gouging in the market I am willing to lay the smack down on the import taxes to correct things SLIGHTLY

So the TL😉R version

Taxes stay the same
We trim the fat off the budget
That fat becomes purchases of free weapons and Wellness for Soldiers
All these purchases serve to create economic activity and drive the economy upward

Rolo Tahmasee
5 Time Congressman
3 Time CEP Party President
CP Candidate - September 2010