Double Spaniards

Day 86, 13:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Salaam aleikum! Glory to Pakistan!
You are now manually reading the /v/oice! Good day glorious Pakistanis! Today we will introduce some grave issues worldwide and concerning Pakistan. To start off we would like to issue a warning to all Pakistanis. Lately many people have been buying houses, but not receiving any houses. We warn everyone not to buy any houses in the near future. You will lose your house and possibly your money. There have also be rumours of people receiving houses for free. The logical conclusion of this is that somehow, Swedish politicians are taking the money and randomly distirbuting level 1 houses amongst the people and raking in the money for Q3 houses which is completely unfair and PIG-DISGUSTING! Once again we advise everyone to keep your fingers from buying houses. We do not want to give the war-mongering Swedes any money now do we? Of course not! If anything we should've of this clever scheme first.

This warning concerns buying gold too. If you offer gold for money, you will lose the gold and not get money. Same way for offering money for gold. You will get nothing. Nothing! Yet again we suspect Swedish people exploiting the trusting and peace-loving peoples of this world. Shame on you Sweden. Shame on you. Hail Pakistan!

Another problem currently in the eRepublik world is the fluctuating time and space continuum. Sometimes I am writing in the past, other times it is already a new day. It was worse a few days ago, but it has luckily stabilized. We here at the /v/oice also noticed that I posted all the news articles at EXACTLY midnight. Coincidence? Maybe. A higher power? Possibly. Maybe the God Emperor is testing our faith in the universe, or something. Either way, he must have his reasons and we shall praise him eternally! All hail Dio Brando, blessed be he, the god emperor! Hail Pakistan!

And lastly we will come to an alarming rise in Spaniards here in Pakistan. We spoke of Spain only a few days ago and their threat to the Pakistani Peace Process. They speak of a „period of Spanish in Pakistan“. What are they trying to do? Infiltrate us from the inside and then eat us up? Pathetic attempts from Spanish spies amongst our ranks, clearly. We condemn these pitiful attempts of conversion and dilusion. Do not let the Spaniards fool you, fellow Pakis! First they will try to infiltrate our media, then our economy, sooner or later you will see Pakistanis collaborating with the Spaniards! We cannot allow this. We will eradicate their scripts from our media. We will erase their names from our books. Their language will not be spoken. We cannot allow this heretical type of information to enter Pakistan. Pakistan will remain pure. Hail Pakistan!

What is the terror of death
That we die our work incomplete
What is the joy of life
To die knowing our task is done

tl;dr summary:
-Buying shit and not getting money (money, houses, golds)
-Time troubles in eRepublik (posted on Feb 13, 2008 00:00... lol)
-Spanish invasion imminent?