Desde Rusia con amor / From Russia with love

Day 1,066, 11:43 Published in Spain Spain by saik

- English below

*Ver el articulo de Jesser para más información.

Parece que los admins van a tener curro de verdad, multitud de organizaciones han sido baneadas "by the face", si te ha pasado, no lo sufras en silencio y mandales este ticket a los admins.

_This afternoon some orgs have been randomly banned, if you had this problem send to admins this ticket written by Mr. Smee.

Ticket tipo por Mr. Smee

Dear admins,

a lot of orgs have been permanently banned without a reason, incluiding mine. I suposse is a kind of bug or something similar because thousand of citizens in Er are in the same situation. I hope you’ll fix it as soon as possible because it make’s stop the game and could be really dangerous for its continuity.[i/]

(poned aqui las direcciones de vuestras orgs baneadas) / (Here your banned orgs)


*Si no lo ves bien, pulsa CTRL + F5 o Click derecho y ver imágen
*If you cant see it properly, press CTRL + F5 or right click & view image.

Segundo capítulo | Second chapter

Candidatura de Ej a la Presidencia.