Defence: Our Country's Vital Problem

Day 603, 08:25 Published in USA USA by Arkandy

Congress voted on whether or not to purchase a Q5 Defense System for California, on July 11, 2009. The Proposal was to purchase a Q5 defense system at a bargain, under the market's 20,000.00 USD price, only for 13769.00 USD. This new Q5 defense system was proposed due to the fact that PEACE considers California a valuable target. It would not take very long to get to California, seeing as Indonesia would only need to strike Japan's Kyushu province, then Hawaii, and the next target available would be California. As it stands, California has a population of 1500 with a Q4 hospital, and currently houses a whopping 300 companies. They specialize in providing raw resources, particularly oil and Grain, which are two very valuable resources for our economy. If we were to lose California, not only would we lose 300 companies and countless jobs, but PEACE would then be able to attack another 4 or 5 states, something we cannot afford. To prevent this disaster, this proposal can replace the current Q3 Defense System for a more powerful Q5. The measure passed with 42 votes to 1 (who voted no?).
for those who are concerned with Californias Q4 hospital, contact your congressmen and ask for the proposal of a 5Q hospital, so that the many citizens that live there may defend themselves properly in a time of attack. California is very vital to our economy, and our freedom.
Long Live America!!
Written by Neo160
Edited by Arkandy
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