David's presidential article

Day 2,452, 02:40 Published in Switzerland Netherlands by jensenn

In the darkness before the dawn. In the swirling of the storm. When I'm rolling with the punches and hope is gone. Leave a light a light on.

Dear Switzerland,

Wherever we turn in this world, we constantly encounter words of wisdom regarding our personality. We hear of character traits so important to the continuity of humanity, but so rarely seen within people.

There is one trait that I value above all else. There is one trait that if missing, all others would be irrelevant; One trait that separates the loneliness of hope.

I am speaking of the trait that makes us stand up for what is just, even when that is not popular. I am speaking of the trait that makes people share with those less fortunate, even when it destabilises their own lives. I am speaking of the trait that allows diligence to contest sloth. I am speaking of the trait that has moved the wheel of history for centuries;

I am speaking of UNITY.

Unity, a single word that can change everything. We are as strong when we are united, as we are weak when divided. In words of wisdom, we need to rise in one strong community, that is our path to glory. Our country needs Unity more than ever before. Although I may have gathered the courage required to pursue the Presidency with a brave Nation behind me, my courage will prove we can reach all of our goals. That is why I ask, not for a vote, but for your trust. We can be a great place if only we show unity with our ideas and drive to be better. We are able to show that in this game even a small community like ours can reach harmony. I am not here with false promises. I am here to show that even a single person can change the course of our defined path of destruction and loneliness. In these times of desperation, when people don't trust in anyone, I am here to show you without lies and impossible promises that we can be better with opportunities for everyone. I know in these times of war our Nation is weak, but her people are strong.

I’m gonna give you my heart Switzerland, but not in wars, not with damage in battles; with diplomacy, participation and respect for any idea that can help us better ourselves. I truly believe that the positive changes we will make can't be reverted.


- I believe that government transparency is an important part of any community, as such I will be trying to update our nation through more detailed, longer articles in-game, and shorter, more frequent updates on our forums.

- In order to increase player attraction to participation in our community, I will be looking to give out rewards for newer players making their way onto the forums and reaching a specific amount of posts.

- I will be looking to hold several surveys during my presidency, on topics varying from government performance & priorities to our prefered allies in order to ensure that our foreign department focuses where the populace deems it worthwhile.

- I will be looking to implement missions issued by the government to our citizens; if you help our country by completing certain tasks, rewards await you for your effort.

- Education is a very important part when it comes to player retention, as such I will be doing my best to ensure that as many articles containing guides, tips, history and analysis’ are regularly available at the home page of our citizens.

- In an effort to increase involvement in our community, I will do my best to make sure that mass messaging makes a return to our society, containing information on how to access IRC and the likes.

- Since I believe that government always should answer to, and serve, our population, I will be looking to hold public question times on IRC, where citizens are allowed the opportunity to question our government about their tasks and performance.

We are a sky full of stars, we just need to reach them.
