Damhnaic's Citizen Awards Nominations

Day 1,996, 14:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Damhnaic

To my very dearest friends, to my comrades of Ireland,

I have taken the initiative of organizing Community Awards since It is late in may and yet nothing was organized for April.

Thus, this is the first issue of Damhnaic's Citizens Awards, a friendly way to recognize one's implication in the community during the month. Prizes are 1 gold per award (my wallet can't really offer more), but donations are accepted to increase the awards.

For the month of April, here are the categories:

1. Best political involvement (Political Party, Congress, Campaign, CP, etc)

2. Best community implication (Newspapers, IRC, micro-communities (MUs / parties), etc)

3. Best military commitment (Military Units, Commune work, Help in battle, etc )

4. New-citizen* political involvement

5. New-citizen Community implication

6. New-citizen Military commitment

7. Foreign friend of eIreland

8. eIrelander of the month (for his/her general contribution to the society)

*New Citizens include all citizens under 25th level, or Citizens that recently joined Ireland. (Up to my discernment)

Send your nominations by PM to myself, you have 48 hours (until the article disappear). I also accept donation from people who want to make the prizes bigger.
*3 gold was given by D-Glennon and will add 1g to each of the New-Citizens prizes

EDIT: You can follow current nominations here: http://tinyurl.com/d3wmj9t

For a more livable and enjoyable eIreland,

Yours sincerely,

Previously publishe😛
*On the Importance of Smaller Parties, day 1982.
*Mediocrity of Leaders, day 1957.
*Liberty of Discussion in Democracy, day 1955.