d4c for congress feb 2015

Day 2,647, 08:17 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by dougal4chaos

1. continue to work with the TUP congress group to do what is best for the UK

2. continue to support the use of the forum for inter party congress discussion

3. continue to block potential PTO'ers being given citizenship

4. If you support the UK and take politics seriously then please join TUP.
TUP members arnt in congress for the lolz and dont try to bully the opposition or PTO them.

voted YES natural enemy france
voted NO MPP thailand
voted NO MPP ukraine
voted NO stop trade with poland
voted YES MPP spain
voted YES reduce sand import tax from 20% to 5%
voted NO increase import tax house 95% to 99%
voted YES mpp germany
voted YES reduce import tax house from 99% to 10%
voted NO MPP croatia
voted YES stop trade albania
voted YES MPP cyrprus
voted YES on MPP croatia
voted YES on MPP italy
voted YES MPP netherlands
voted NO on MPP turkey
voted YES on MPP bulgaria
voted NO on MPP thailand
voted YES on natural enemy france