Congratulations to the British Government!

Day 1,209, 04:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Danie Fox

Inci, a group of players from a Turkish internet forum, came with a tempting offer: lots active players, companies and tax income. They promised not to get involved with politics. We refused, as did Australia. The US accepted.

Seeing as almost all of those players are active, as the party is only a few months old, the US is in for a rough ride. Even if INCI are were completely friendly, that many active players speaking a different language could overwhelm a country. What new, English speaking, player wants to play when they see an unintelligible language all over their media? I wouldn't.

As such I think we owe our government of a few months ago a congratulations - if they had taken the easy short-term tax and damage offered by INCI, in the long term we would have become a Turkish colony, be they hostile or friendly.

what some Americans seem to think of INCI