Day 2,877, 07:28 Published in USA USA by jadiv

In addition to the above Regiment 7 achieved one objective and was tie for 20th in the USA. The total of 52 objectives defeated was by far the most of a Military Unit in the USA.

I do want to especially thank Caretabla and the 11th Regiment for their fine showing.

I very much liked this little event. It brought many of us online at the same time to work on taking down the objectives. Like V1 of the game, this created social interaction and coordination that to some degree has been lacking recently. I look forward to continuing to be able to talk with many renewed friends that had too often become just names on a roster. This event was good for the game!

The event was also laudable for giving the prizes directly to those that participated. Rank point bonuses and the chance to gorge on extra prestige points were very much appreciated by those that took part. No big prizes, won by only a few countries of MUs, but actual tangible rewards to the fighters in the game.


I will be during the course of the day moving folks back into their natural Regiments. Some of you I know or can identify from your avatars. If I get you the wrong place, please message me, in-game, and I will move you. Please use the format "I am in x regiment and want to be in y regiment" in your message.

Thank you for your assistance in getting the regiments set back up, and mostly thanks for your efforts during the event!
