Concediat, concediat

Day 1,025, 21:06 Published in Romania Romania by vaesir

Ce mama naibi mai oameni buni.
De 4 zile incontinuu sunt concediat de la toate posturile.
Oameni buni daca nu aveti nevoie de oameni nu mai postati la job center.
Nu inteleg de ce sunt concediat.
Lucrez cu totul la 100 si tot sunt dat afara.
Ce draqu

We are sorry to inform you that the General Manager of Dracones Heli 1 has decided to fire you! But don't worry, you can get a new job or you can even buy a company.
4 days ago

We are sorry to inform you that the General Manager of FAR Helicopters has decided to fire you! But don't worry, you can get a new job or you can even buy a company.

We are sorry to inform you that the General Manager of Guns from Eden has decided to fire you! But don't worry, you can get a new job or you can even buy a company.
We are sorry to inform you that the General Manager of x_grain has decided to fire you! But don't worry, you can get a new job or you can even buy a company.
We are sorry to inform you that the General Manager of Guns from Eden has decided to fire you! But don't worry, you can get a new job or you can even buy a company.
17 hours ago