CitizenRobyn for Congress in BC

Day 666, 16:13 Published in Canada Canada by Bashher

Greetings fellow eCanadians

I have been playing this game for a while now and have been concentrating on being a bad ass canadian soldier (I am now a general) and doing as much damage to the enemy as possible I have decided that as we grow closer to regaining all of our territories, and some day seeing an end to this war, that I want to have a hand in helping to shape eCanada's future. So after researching all the parties and finally deciding on the CPF (props to the Dal who I admire but have some philosophical differences with on CAF that I could not overlook) I decided to make a run at Congress !

I am an active and loyal eCanadian and would do my best to serve our country.

My priorities as a congressman would be working to improve CAF; A bigger more efficient army helps canada in many ways. Better defense, More active players (turn two clickers into soldiers) and stimulates the eCanadian economy.

I also believe in eCanada's role in the future must be a defensive role.We can lend out our soldiers to help our allies and thwart our enemies but we are not an Imperial Nation and should not seek revenge against our enemies of the past.

please vote and subscribe 🙂

Lets get ready to kick some Iranian butt