Christmas Gift: AFA Offering 2 Gold For Membership!

Day 2,225, 01:27 Published in USA USA by Dr_Devil

At this season of great joy at the birth of our Lord, I would like to invite all in the eUSA to join the American Freedom Alliance. As you know, while we accept and love people of all faiths, we have a reputation for being the party where all the serious Christians go to. We hope you will join us. As an incentive, we are offering two gold to everyone for joining us. Gold will be shared the 25th of December. Just join our party at this link, and then in the comments, write what number member you are!

You also may know that our party experiences a lot of persecution. It is the same as the persecution that all Christians have suffered for the Lord over the past two thousand years. While we may be tempted to hate our enemies for all the evil they inflict upon us, I hope we all will remember what Jesus said about this.

As you may know, Santa Claus is also a member of our party. Joining us will get you on his nice list.

So what are you waiting for? Join the AFA today and get your present!