Choices, Hello and Goodbye

Day 3,885, 15:43 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Hello everyone! It’s me, your friendly neighborhood cat (who may or may not bite.) I left this game a bit over two years ago, and returned a couple months ago. I’ve noticed a few things upon my return. We are wiped. The most obvious, and frankly the most important: we are divided, and I noticed that my beloved WTP is not the same as it was before. WTP will always be a treasure to me. Memories are treasures we hold deeply and closely. I learned personal strengths and weaknesses from my part in WTP. I am proud of my part in WTP. I am saddened that her day has come, but really for a party built upon a successful ATO, I think she shined most brightly and gave us all a good run for the time being.

Suddenly one day things began happening. Wiped countries do not have a Congress. We do keep a Shadow Congress though. On that night AMP’s party numbers jumped up enough to make then the 5th party, and WTP the 6th. Now I am not going to rehash all this, but as some of you know through the course of a week these actions told a story. Not a pretty one honestly.

I kept thinking we are better than this. We can be better than this. It’s true too. There are so many bright minds in the eUS. Many people willing to help and do what must be done. Just how to get us on the same page? Honestly, I had not a clue.

Then PiginZen decided it was time to do something. After reading his article A New Start and discussing varying things with him I was lead to one conclusion. This is what I want to be doing in eRepublik. This is the path I feel I must follow. And ultimately I hope the nation realizes this is a path we all need to take.

So I shall be leaving WTP, and joining E Pluribus Unum. I hope we can do grand things there, and make a real difference in the eUSA. I hope we make things better. And mostly, I hope we make things fun.

Yours truly,