Buy products on the NZ market

Day 2,988, 03:26 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Shone bate

ENGLISH VERSION - Serbian version bellow
So I have been looking at the income of New Zealand and it does't look so good. It is only 60CC per day.

In order to increase the income, I have came up with a decision to get the products from the other countries and place it on the NZ market with the lowest price as possible. It is true that I will make a small margin, but that margin is small enough to afford the travel cost (from 20cc to 28cc per movement)


- By buying on the NZ market the country collects more tax
- You will save your money for the travel costs and buy more goods
- The price may even be reduced if the turnover increases
- More money in the budged, the stronger the country
- We may increase the population of NZ as more people might want to take the citizenship.
- ... and many more

This is an edit due to the first comments relating Chile's occupation 🙂. How to calculate the TAX income of the country?

The total income of a country (TCI) is the sum of PCI’s calculated for the original and non-original regions the country possesses.
For example, New Zealand controls one original regions, which is in total 40% of the total tax. Chiles’s TCI will be: TCI = PCI(Chile) + PCI (New Zealand)

Please note: We do help Chile, but with only 0.2% of their total income.

I know you can help the NZ economy so share the news in your post and buy the products from the market.

For shout

Buy products on the NZ market




Ukratko. Odlucio sam da postavljam proizvode na NZ marketu po pristupacnim cenama. Uvideo sam da je priliv u NZ kasu jako nizak, oko 60 cc dnevno.

Pomozite NZ ekonomiji tako sto cete kupovati na NZ marketu. Takodje, ustedecete novac za kartu jer necete morati da se selite u drzavu gde su cene povoljnije.

[EDIT] Tacno je da nam Chile uzima 60% od ukupnih taksi, nama preostaje 40%. Ali njima taj novac ne znaci jer cini samo 0.2% od ukupnih prihoda.

Prosledite ovu informaciju drugima.


Buy products on the NZ market
