Boredom in a small country?

Day 1,168, 13:59 Published in Egypt Spain by misteryo

Hi, little friends of eEgypt. I'm misteryo, a spanish writer and politician. I was bored of politic in Spain and I came to Egypt for working in the creation of a new country, like Egypt. But I'll stop talking about me.

I'm bored about the situation of eEgypt, with few people because the situation in RL in Egypt. But, despite of this situation doesn't occurred, it would be still boring. Why? Because something is missing here. This is lulz

Some things can be done for the lulz, like stupid laws that can't be applied ingame. And this is my intention. I'll make laws for the country in the congress for ilulzmination of eEgypt. Boredom won't exist in the country. This is a game and we should do things fun, but up to a point, lulz in a extreme can be bad

The article is too short, I don't have ideas for writing more interesting things, because nothing interesting happens here and we must change this soon

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