BH Stealer Wanted!!! 悬赏卑鄙的BH小偷!!!

Day 1,855, 16:58 Published in China North Korea by XiaoxiWang

--- English Version ---
--- 中文版见下方 ---
I will pay 10G to anyone who can steal a BH from any of following despicable players!!!

AzReL KiLlEr
(multi-account suspected)

AzReL KiLlEr betrayed the agreement in eChina battlefield(battle 10 division 2) and steal the BH (see pics below)

He send me this msg when I done about 3400k and he done about 290k. He beg me for gold and I agree to share. But he break the rule in the last second.

This is the final result:

If anyone successfully steal a BH from AzReL KiLlEr or AzrulSyafiq2, please send me the battle link or save the result image and post it in a news. I will pay 10G to you!

Also Plz V+Shout!

For AzReL KiLlEr, I will FOLLOW U CLOSELY form now, unless you return me double the gold!
For AzrulSyafiq2, you are now suspected to be the multiaccount of AzReL KiLlEr(because you are the 1st friend of him), if you are not, please TAKE MORE CARE of your little bro!

悬赏10G给能从AzReL KiLlErAzrulSyafiq2(疑似小号或上线)抢到bh的人!

在昨天eC的战场上(battle 10 D2),这个叫AzReL KiLlEr的人在跟我抢bh的过程中,先是求我让他,我提出要平分G(当时我已经打了340万,他290万),他答应了,可最后居然违约压秒,下面是信息纪录:


