Battalgazi Exposed!

Day 802, 14:13 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

My friends, every journalist finds a day where he can do something amazing.
I came to this moment when I was innocently surfing the web looking for erepublik cheats -.. I mean, er... it doesn't matter how I found it, I FOUND IT!

What did I find, exactly? I have found that the once-banned renegade leader of Phoenix is up to no good AGAIN!

He is cheating to make his countrymen more powerful. Or stealing their passwords, either way, NOT GOOD. (this has direct implications on us via the shaolins!)

I'm sure you are all wondering if I have any proof to back up this outrageous statement. Well, guess what, FOOLS! I DO!


Shoot 2:

Shoot 3:

Whole Thing:

Still don't believe me? Copy and paste this to your url to see the RAW PROOF!

Political Discussion With Penguin and his homeless brother, Schmenguin!
Penguin: So, Schmenguin, what do you make of this remarkable discovery?
Schmenguin: I think it shows Battalgazi's spectacular leadership abilities!
Penguin: What do you mean by that?
Schmenguin: He is trying to help other people, something EDEN seems not to do.
Penguin: Um.... what? He's stealing their passwords!
Schmenguin: For a good cause.
Penguin: A good cause? He's trying to cheat them out of the game!
Schmenguin: Even so, he is advancing the phoenix cause, something our Eden bureaucrats never try to do, and, what kind of a name is EDEN?
Penguin: You traitor! Think of all the things EDEN has done for us!
Schmenguin: Go suck it.
Penguin: You go suck it.
Schmenguin: No you go suck it.
Eleriel: Ahem? (Assumed response)
Schmenguin: Anyway, you said he's stealing the passwords and accounts, uhh, that's not good, I gotta go change my passwords, eek.
(Discussion can be continued in comments)

*Note: This article is meant to be taken light-heartedly. However, that is not to say that we didn't just randomly find it and post it. Or maybe it is. Err.. .whatever.