Day 1,781, 15:14 Published in Poland Saudi Arabia by Skorpion 35

Husaria is on 35-th place in world.In this moment on second place in Poland. http://prntscr.com/gumw5 This was all Husarians. Now I will show to you top fighters and top regiments: http://prntscr.com/gumy5 And finally its come Legendary 9 Regiment :http://prntscr.com/gun8x http://prntscr.com/guncx I am very proud because I am a member of Husaria. http://prntscr.com/gunft I will continue to fight so hard for Poland.Thank you for your trust in me when you give me your cs. This is link for people from Serbia:http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/warn/aHR0cDovL2FjZW0udW5pY2FzLm9yZy5ycy9hbmRqZWxhLnBuZw== Ko god zeli moze da posalje praznu sms poruku na 1737 za pomoc maloj Andjeli!!