Austria Census

Day 920, 17:07 Published in Brazil Brazil by Dio Levi

A diplomacia é, e sempre será 
a mais poderosa de todas as 
espadas, o mais poderoso de 
todos os escudos. Somente ela 
é capaz de proteger 
dois extremos em casos extremos.

Aos Brasileiros:

Hoje o artigo será divido em duas partes, intrisicamente ligadas, porém separadas no artigo.

A seção das entrevistas será em Português e Inglês, já as considerações sobre a diplomacia brasileira será uma adição ao artigo, sendo apresentado apenas em português.

Hello, the first article of this year will be about Brazil and your diplomacy, but dont expect it always, on the next articles i will try to talk about whole world.

Thanks 😉

CPs interview about Brazilian relationship and Indonesia issue

Hello dear readers, i would like to present a background of Brazil-Indonesia first and then show the interview 🙂

One time allies, another enemies, the relationship between Brazil and Indonesia is a classical example of how the diplomacy on eWorld can turn.

All started in february, when the brazilian gov promised to Indo a way to attack Uruguay in South America and and some africans regions to bonuses, but the brazilian population was against it and the brazilian gov had to broke the plan with Indo.

Last month, we were one more time invited to talk with Indo.
On this time, there was no way to Indo get some region on Africa, cause it is an action against Brazil and South Africa sovereignty.
Even after they said they would break the alliance with Brazil if it was not approved.

Then, Indonesia attacked South Africa, a closest brazilian ally, showing they never wanted to develop good relations with Brazil, Brazil tried to solve it diplomacally, CoT HQ tried too, (I thought Court of CoT would talk about it today) but Indonesia didnt want to go back and stayed on Africa with a region that is rent to Brazil.

The majority of brazilian population was waiting a firm action from CoT, cause we always helped they on battle, never made any conflict with them, but it saw they wont penalize Indo and nothing will happen.

As a single spectator of the eWorld, i can assure the possibilities of Brazil joining CoT are very tiny cause no one here trust Indonesia and didnt like how CoT "solved" this conflict, but i think the good relationship with some countries will continue witouth problems.

The Interview

The Questions:
1 - How do you see the relationship of your country with Brazil?

2 - What do you think about Brazil-Indonesia issue?

The Answers

- Belarus

1 - We started relationship with Brasil since eBelarus appeared on the map. Perhaps MPP with your country was one of the first we signed))) I was MoFA back to that time and wished our country to have a good distant friend who was not crazy about Balkans. If I could I'd like to see more social interactions between our countries. As for military support we'll do our best to participate in your battles.

2 - ohh... Well, I know SA considered as a "colony" of Brasil long time ago and there always were some issues 😵 There was not so long ago when Indonesia got into Australia vs Chile deals (while there was some intention of Australia to join CoT). I think recent actions of Indonesia can harm to CoT whole and bring problems with further membership of US also. Sometimes I think they don't have a will to find solutions, but escape making responsible decisions. I do hope CoT will take proper inside management to build strong and independent union.

Faithfully yours,


1 - pretty neutral, because we are not close! But still friendly - because we have MPP and this I think make us like close allies 🙂

2 - Heard something about that, its in another side even on eWorld so it`s not my priority for now! Later ? Who knows - we are working according TWO generals orders and if TWO will look that way - eLatvia will too!



1 - I am very happy with eBrazil and they are a country very capable of everything that is proposed, I would like that this month could bring the two Nations

2- R: Because being honest not I would like to express my opinion that I don't position myself of one side or the other, they are two countries, friends, allies and good relations we have with the two


1 - Brazil is the very best friend of the United States. We share a close alliance and we are always ready to deploy to help you out.

2 - As for Indonesia, Indonesia is clearly in the wrong and we support Brazil in this conflict. Brazil has made it abundantly clear that attacking South Africa is attacking Brazil, yet they continue to provoke Brazil, I assume in hope that Brazil will attack and lose its MPPs. To that end, we have not signed a new MPP with Indonesia.


1.- I think our relationship is good. I would want to sign rola.

2.- Brazil, like us, is a target for some countries, because the mine. Argentine attacking, airstrike launched, do you want to fight against indo too? A tough stance does not help, but of course, Indo must be nice.

- South Africa

1 - I would like to think South Africa and Brazil have good relations. We consider Brazil good allies. Over the past two years we had strong relations. In the past both countries have proved their brotherhood. Lately though it seems different. This is not the same Brazil from 2 years ago. Things have changed. The political divide in Brazil seems to have weakened the relations.

They give me the impression they don't really care. The communication from Brazil is not the same. They seem more concerned about other issues rather than their true allies. South Africa have done everything to ensure Brazil maintain their bonuses, made sure we help as much as we can. Even though South Africa is a small country, we have gone out of our way many times to ensure Brazil are able to have 100% bonuses. This means if they lost regions, we declared NE so Brazil can regain the lost regions. As you know we have done this many times. All to help our ally Brazil.

Brazil pay us rent and it helps our small country. But by assisting Brazil it also hurts our country.It seems this new Brazil don't care anymore. They give the impression they want, want, want. We give, We Help, but nothing comes back that benefits South Africa. Things have changed in Brazil Governments over the last 6 months and i can tell you it is truly harming the relations between South Africa and Brazil.

The South African people are not happy any more. We have worked hard to keep relations strong. The reality is, it's mostly South africa doing all the work and Brazil benefiting from it. Would be nice to see Brazil work hard to keep their allies, rather than bleed them and push them aside.
2 - I think it is BS. Firstly, Indonesia are the most untrustworthy nation in eRepublik. Almost every alliance or deal they have made with any country they end up screwing someone over.

They have screwed our friends Australia over countless times. They know Brazil rent regions from South africa, yet as soon as they have a chance they take advantage of regions lost by Brazil and attack South Africa to gain Brazilian rented region Eastern Cape.

The funniest thing of all is CoT. They sit their like kings and do nothing. It's Pathetic, they have a charter they have rules, it seems Indo can break them and get away with it. Indonesia should be booted from CoT for their lack of respect to the CoT charter and fellow CoT members.

Brazil should also say enough is enough and boot Indonesia out of Africa, Why haven' t they done it? Why are Indo still in Africa? Why is Brazil holding back?

If Brazil are to scared to do it, Let me Tell you South Africa will boot Indonesia from Africa. You may laugh, but we have been gaining lot's of allies, Especially allies that are sick of Indonesia, We will try hard, most probably fail a few times, but we will Get Indonesia out if Brazil won't do it.

If this continues, relations will eventually breakdown which would see South Africa walk a different path. We will have no choice but to look to better our country and strengthen our economy once more.

We would like to see our relations with Brazil continue, but like i said, Brazil have to start doing things that benefit South Africa and not just Brazil.


1 - i'm an oldfag and i do remember when we were allied back then. after that when we were in Eden and you in Terra again we had great cooperation and now we are on same side today. imo i consider all brasilians great and loyal ally and wish to thank you for all the support you give us during our "night" battles. i wish we had the opportunity to return the favor back
2 - Brosil-Indo issue in my opinion is misunderstanding which turned out in diplomatical conflict. sure i do think we can solve it, but it needs active and adequate CoT HQ to make it through. Fortunately yesterday we elected quite good person to lead the alliance and i am fully confident in his abilities to solve it. i'm saying this because imo CoT acted too late in this and wears some guilt. but again - i do think we can solve it, especially when there are so many enemies around us


1 - Imho I see Brazil as a long-time ally to Slovenia and our relationship is good. The majority of Slovenian people believe that we are basiclly true allies and I share the same feeling.
2 - We had had signed MMPs with both countries and we consider both our allies. Since I am not totally sure what happened between the countries to make an issue I think that I am in no position to put any comment here. I think that Brazil had some rented regions in South Africa, and Indonesia probably wanted the Gold Mine. I honestly don't know the details so I can't say nothing on this issue. What I can say for sure is that Slovenia didn't sign a new MMP with Brazil this month. The reason is that a representative of the Brazil MoFA team wrote to me and said brazil wants their allies (in this case Slovenia) not to sign a MMP with Indonesia if they like to have a MMP with Brazil. As Slovenia has had both MMPs it was a tough decision to make and we decided not to sign MMP ether with Brazil nor Indonesia untill their issue is resolved. In that way we can stay allies with both nations and not support any side in any way in their issue.

- UK

1) you should read my article here 🙂

2) I only want our friends to all get along and it's a shame that isn't 100% right now 🙁


1 - We are good friends 🙂

2 - All countries should be careful. Brazil has power to go there but it would not be easy todo conquer Indo.


1 - I consider Brazil as one of our closest allies and our relations now are quite confidential and cordial.

2 - I am sure that a deer region is not worth quarreling about. Looks like this issue became a question of principle for both sides. Nevertheless I believe it can be and should be resolved via diplomacy.


1 - Well, i remember them being our allies LONG ago (back to days when i began playing - in Phoenix alliance). And finally now we are friends again, so i'm looking forward to see us working together 🙂
2 - I admit that it was not a nice move by Indo, especially because that was against orders of CoT.


so, we respect Brasil as our allies, they are strong country and help us in MPP battles as we are helping them, but our relationship is not strong as our friendship with Indonesia.
With indonesia we are old friends, we have brotherhood between us.
I want to stay all together, we can be very strong together. Thanks o/

- Japan

Brazil and Japan have a decent relationship as we share mostly the same enemies and general beliefs, but I still think there is a lot of room for improvement for the citizens. As for indo, all of CoT showed what we think.