Appreciate your votes, thanks

Day 1,234, 04:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

Thank you so much eSouth Africa for your vote of confidence in Rexdeus for CP and Oprah Winfrey for VP. With your support we were successful in our bid for the highest office in eSouth Africa.

This does not mean we can now sit back and enjoy the view from the presidential office, it means we need to start working on securing our future economically as well as militarily.

What do I ask from you our citizens? Be active, take part in discussions even if you do not think your opinion means anything. Work, work hard and always work at 100% wellness, this helps the country productivity and also your employment security. Buy eSouth African, whenever you buy products in the market support your neighbour and buy South African, this keeps our money in our country and the eventual result would be more ZAR in our country and everyone in eSA will start to benefit with higher salaries and competitive products. Basically just as you expect the best from your government so also do your government want the best for you as well and expect the best from you.

I will be making my full cabinet known at the soonest, just a couple of positions we need to confirm and then we will make it public.

Lets work together and make tomorrow better !!