Android eRepublik Calculator

Day 1,713, 21:30 Published in Greece Greece by Earentir
What will this app calculate?
It will breakdown the strength gained from training and rewards, it will break down the cost in Gold per strength unit and finally it will calculate the cost in Euro for the gold you spend. It will take in account offers as well as your loyalty program.
It is obviously more relevant to ppl that use gold to train, if you don't like it... sue me.
NO there is no API, you have to enter all relevant information yourself, even if there was an API, the Loyalty status was not exposed, the strength gained from training could only be inferred.


Its ugly
Sue me

How much does this cost?
It costs 0 Euro, to find out the cost in other currency use google or call you local bank. It doesn't contain advertisements, it doesn't care about your personal info, contacts, calendar or whatever. It just calculates stuff for erep.

It doesn't run on my Phone
Sue me. Actually it should run fine on almost everything. It has been tested on:
Samy Galaxy S, SII, SIII, Samy Tab 7.7, Archos 5 IMT, Archos 7, Archos 80 G9 Turbo, Archos 101 G9 Turbo, Nexus S.
There may be an issue with devices that have a very small and non standard resolution, this is a known issue and I will fix it some day.

Why not use a spreadsheet to do what this app does?
If you are not already using one then you dont know how or never bothered, instal the app.

Why I did it?
I have created a few classes to implement features for another application I am developing (Asxetos1 knows 😉 and wanted to make a PoC.
For the more initiated, I wanted to add the ability to pass through gestures from top level views(LV,BV etc) down to the actual panel view without firing an event for the item underneath the matrix.
How do I do it:
I am looking for any continues gesture that is more than 30ns and if I detect it I consume the event and start drawing a transparent vector to detect directionality. Yes it can support multitouch but there is no use for it in this app, it actually would make it more difficult since I would have to use more complex algebra to detect direction.

When will the iPhone version be ready?
NEVER, iphones are despised by the author (he loves obj C though😉

What about the app source?
Its not under an OSS license, but be my guest and unpack it, its Java, if you dont know how to unpack the apk and import the class to Eclipse, dont tell me.

WoW how do you know about Q4 & Q5 Training Grounds?
I dont, they are there as an estimate, if the game devs keep upgrading them as they have till now then the results are accurate, if not then I will fix it when the new TG's are ready.

Known Issues
When in landscape the Gold/Loyalty Buttons are not visible, I need to move them to a scroll view, will happen when it happens.

If you have a request for a feature dont hesitate to comment.
WARNING: Do not request features that require the API, I have already added a note months ago in my other apps and ppl still rate them with 1 or 2, ITS NOT MY FAULT, the game DOES NOT HAVE AN API.

The app is provided as is, if I dont have time, like or feel like adding something then it want be added.

The App itself is using google analytics to track usage, this is quite common in most android apps, if you never notice the security warning while installing them and just press instal then more than 80% of your apps are already doing that, dont worry it will not eat up your data allowance, it will only send info when you connect to the internet.

You are able to disable analytics by going to the settings at any time. Please though let them enabled there are no advertisements or any personal info gathering, I just like to know on which countries my app is used.

What it sends:
Country of Origin, Make and Model of Phone, Network, Version of the app, version of the OS, and a few other non interesting info (look at for more info).

Where to get it from:

If you login on the web you can push it on your phone, otherwise just search for erepublik on your phone there are only 3 apps in the market, the other 2 dont work due to the API.