An Unforeseen Predicament...

Day 2,116, 13:46 Published in India India by Broken1

As YUUVA PP I started my term very diligently and worked my butt off to make YUUVA the golden Party. But near the CP elections an unforeseen predicament arose, decimating my courage to progress. I became inactive for almost a week and definitely let down my Party. I am especially sorry to Srinjoy for I could not get internet to propose him as our CP representative...

Last Wednesday I took a flight to Canada when my Cousin's wife called me to tell me my beloved cousin had a stroke and was in critical condition. Wednesday night I held my cousin Pratu's hand looked into his weak eyes. We talked for a while before the nurse forced me out of the room. Very unfortunately the very next day he left this world and I was left bereft of my brilliant cousin.

A week later we had his funeral organized with the help of the Funeral Service Association of Canada
He was not only my cherished cousin but also best friend. May he rest in peace.