About the US Airstrike on FYROM

Day 2,758, 10:38 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl


It has been a long time since I last wrote an article but some events that are taking place mean that I must do so. The purpose of this article is to explain a facet of US Foreign Affairs over the past year or so and I believe that people who closely follow that part of this game will enjoy it.

Towards the end of Molly Emma’s first Presidential term last year, the United States was ejected from Sirius by our partners Croatia, Turkey, Spain, the UK and Poland. While all of these countries except Spain kept the US MPP, we were essentially naked at the time, with no real place on any diplomatic table. Russia helped us and banded with us to make Pacifica, which has now grown into a flourishing alliance that will be celebrating its first year anniversary in ten days time.

However, as time went on, we realized that our interests were no longer served by aligning with the countries that had kicked us from an alliance for a weak excuse, and essentially thrown us to the dogs. We began a process of changing our MPP stack, starting with the US-Asteria NAP (although we had informal arrangements long before that) in Oblige’s term, which was followed by the US-Portugal-Spain war, which made us a pro-Asteria country, and wiped Spain’s Congress during Deepchill’s Presidency.

One of the countries that have stuck with us completely for the past year has been Greece. While Greece was considered a turbulent country in much of 2014, and had a regime change after the introduction of the Dictatorship module, both “sides” in eGreece have kept stable relations with our country, cooperating diplomatically and militarily to ensure continued success for both of us on the battlefields. I believe it is pertinent to mention that a large part of our country managing to move from a pro-Aurius mindset to a pro-Asteria one, was initiated and facilitated by Greece, which at the time enjoyed complete dominance in its neighbourhood, and we had their government’s complete support in it. While the Greeks really didn't need to, as they enjoyed control anyway, they did our country a massive favour and helped us at a crucial time in eUS history.

Greece may have left Asteria now but they still keep good relations with many pro-Asteria countries like us and their new government has been extremely cooperative as a partner. Their battles with FYROM and Bulgaria in the past month or so have been tough, and they have had to fight hard to keep both of those countries at bay. It is time for us, as a country, to repay the favor that the Greeks paid to us at a time when we were weak and exposed. It is time for us to invade Skopje and subdue them, so that the Greeks can ensure their natural superiority in the South Balkans region.

A lot of us have commented on the fact that the past couple of months have been boring, and the Trekker administration has been criticized by many folks for not bringing some excitement to the game, so we finally have a game changer along with some battles that actually matter. Lets go all out for our friends, the Greeks, in their battles. Lets fight hard for the USA vs FYROM.

Wild Owl