A Tribute to a New Player

Day 2,106, 08:30 Published in India India by Broken1

I would like to welcome FiliusDei to the eIndian EREPUBLIK community. He is a new player!!! He came into the virtual world like this...

And at first was probably like we all were when we entered this world...

But now he says that he is bored. He asked me is all you do in this game work and train. My answer was ofcourse not. There are multiple opportunities in eIndia.

There is always fighting to get battle hero's and True patriot awards....

But there is a lot more to this game than just fighting. If you are into government, there is a great government module in Erepublik.

You can also be the best writer ever and rant about almost anything or talk about any topic through a newspaper. Writing news papers are always fun...

A new member can also be a big business man by investing gold into companies and becoming the eWorlds largest producer of goods, even though the economic module is terrible 🙂.

Or you can be all those things at once. The point is there are a lot of choices for new people in erepublik. You just need to know what you are interested in.