A letter for our President

Day 1,963, 08:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

Dear Mr. President,

This month was your 7th term as President of eNetherlands. What a exiting race it was when you got elected.. A glorious victory for you and your party GPN. This month you promised us the following things:


"On Foreign Affairs I like to formalise some arrangements we already have with certain countries, by signing a pact. In case I get elected, you’ll be soon hearing more about this.
Ofcourse we all want to use the bombs and granates recieved at the last mission for a nobel cause. For that I’m already negotiating with a few countries. We all want more fun events, wich will be realised in case of enough applications."
- Van_Spijck President of eNL.

Well well what did we got this month. There was a MPP signed with Argentina and Croatia, but unfortunatly those countries are always in war fighting for themselves. Argentina always fights with Chili and Croatia with India. This month it was even worse, Argentina got Spain and Croatia Thailand as new enemy.

But hey we liberated a region! Well that was not even a goverment action, it was more about luck. The Polish didn't care to have us another worthless region. When goverment planned attacks against our remaining two regions it failed. Does this all care? Well not anymore, goverment policies failed and we are again totally occupied without taking action. There were some talks about solutions, but foreign affairs failed to really accomplish something.

About the fun events, well as "SsoI" I had talks about organizing something, but unfortunatly I had no chance to because of a kinda inactive Minister. Besides of that in my opinion MoI should provide citizens with information, it took our President a concerning letter from me and a week to finally publish his governmental plans.

The article with the promises:

I can deliver critics at all terms, but I was not even playing erepublik at that moment so won't do that. I just want to ask everyone:

What did 7 Months of van_Spijck really give us?

Yours sincerly,

William Landicus

Handelear in Koffi te Amsterdam.

(Note: this article contains only the thinkings of a Free and Independent citizen in eNL who wants to stay out of publicity. Therefor his name was changed to a fictive one)