A Call for eUS Political Detente

Day 535, 22:10 Published in USA USA by Ananias

About 25 days ago, I produced an article named Making a Difference: Political Parties and PTOs which addressed the importance of collaboration between eUS political organizations to combat hostile PTO attempts. During the succeeding weeks, I was elected Party President of the United States Workers Party and embarked on a plan to increase member activity, block domestic PTO attempts and provide quality choices for the American voters to choose during the last congressional elections.

Unfortunately, the last congressional elections, for the most part, followed the same basic patterns of previous elections. They also magnified the disparity between our stated goals as a nation and the practical application of electoral politics.

I have had enough. The voters have had enough. The nation has had enough. It is time for reform.
As the President of the largest political organization in the eUnited States of America, I believe it is incumbent upon the United States Workers Party to take the necessary first steps to progress toward that reform.

I am seeking a eUS political détente.

We face too many challenges as a nation for the following issues to be perpetuated by the very organizations which are established to further the interests of the fifty-one original constituencies which we are tasked to serve:

1) Vote moving. While considered “legal” by virtue of the fact that eRepublik mechanics do not support the screening of citizenship in a state, the reality remains that citizenship can be established and vote-moving policed by simply determining the number, and identities, of the citizens of most states prior to the election, wherein monitoring of regional elections can take place; but only through the collaboration of the political organizations willing, and committed, to the premise of fair elections.

2) 6th Party Disenfranchisement. While there remains frustration over the efforts of the United States Workers Party to extend the opportunity for our members to run for Congress following appropriate vetting, the reality remains that, between the top 5 parties, there is a combined total of two hundred and fifty-five available “endorsements” available for Congress each and every election cycle. Why are we not using those openings more broadly to facilitate the opportunity for members of non top-five parties?

While there are some that will belabor the “quality” of so many candidates vying for the opportunity, it is not the place for any political party to determine either who has the “right” to run for election, nor is it our role to determine who is “best” for a given constituency. That is the choice of the voters…always.

3) Hostile political takeover attempts. Consider the political strength we could provide for new nations and allies if we were to coalesce in our commitment to establish a voting block of just one or two percent of our members for the purpose of counter PTO efforts around the world. Instead the national political parties are dedicating those valuable PTO defense resources for the purpose of sniping good-faith candidates in regional races.

Honestly, we can spend the next several election cycles continuing on with business as usual, or we can commit to political détente, negotiate realistic election guidelines and consequences for non-compliance, and begin making a difference beyond our borders.

Call me an idealist, but I believe that the leaders of our national political organizations are smart enough, and focused enough on the best interests of the eUnited States if America, to make that difference through cooperation and collaboration, regardless of our ideological divide.

Therefore, I call upon the Party Presidents of all national parties to join me in charting a new course…a better course…for politics in the eUnited States of America.

We have a choice. Continue with the status quo divided, or make a difference together.

Ananias – Congressman for Florida
Party President, United States Workers Party
Proud Citizen of the eUnited States of America.