A better Ireland

Day 819, 11:42 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
The Labour Party is back!

Last month our party was the victim of a PTO. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our true members, we are once again back in control of our own destiny. We have grown from 6 members to over 30 in that short space of time. If Ireland as a whole can show the courage, resilience, and fighting spirit that our members have shown in the past month, then we will have a stronger Ireland all round.

We are Patriots of Ireland. Are you?

Labour will work for the betterment of Ireland in many ways. We are patriots of this fair isle, and we will do what's best for it and its people. Ireland, through inactivity and a sterile environment militarily has not fulfilled its potential. The whole system in Ireland needs a complete overhaul, and a shift in direction is needed to ensure we produce the best soldiers we possibly can. The economy and military are inextricably linked to each other. We want Ireland to have a culture where above all else every citizen of the Republic is a soldier of Ireland. We want to shake off the tag we have as a weakling in the eyes of others, and replace that with something that we the people of Ireland can all be proud of. For more information on these plans please look at this article.

Irish Citizen Army

Labour members are welcome to join our military wing, the Irish Citizen Army. The ICA has already had quite a few successful missions, and our soldiers are supplied with free weapons. This betters Ireland as a whole, as these citizens would not gain this type of experience but for ICA deployments. The ICAs activities wins allies abroad for Ireland.

Thank You

Thanks to all who worked to get Labour back on track. We have at last steadied our own ship, now it is time to rock the boat.

We will work for a better, stronger, tougher Ireland. Will you?

Join Labour Now!!

Labour ABÚ

Signe😛 Custodian of the Labour Movement- Irishbhoy1967